Springys APPlication System for Practitioners

Exercise Prescription Tool for Practitioners Body and Movement Specialists

An on demand, integrated prescription system suitable for all exercise populations and clinical conditions.

We might be exercise physiologists, but we love working with all credentialled body and movement specialists. All body and movement specialists can use the Springys APP to prescribe to their clients, review their progress and make real-time adjustments to suit the targeted clinical or functional outcome. Springys Accredited practitioners can also make custom prescriptions by creating their own sessions within the APPlication for the

The online app is phone, desktop, tablet and web enabled and allows your clients to work independently at home or in your studio, or under your direct supervision in the clinic.

Springys Participants can work with a Springys practitioner to receive exercise prescription, or can take a self-managed approach by making use of the APPlication’s powerful filtering abilities to find the Springys Sessions that are most relevant.

Exercise Prescription Grounded in Exercise Physiology Principles

The Springys Prescription System and APPlication work together to promote autonomy, creative freedom and independence for you and your clients. The holistic exercise system draws from scientific parameters to achieve superior mind body connection, and improve daily function through to peak performance.

Our evidence based exercises are delivered in a comprehensive library suitable to all bodies. The Springys APPlication library is categorised into audiences, providing many targeted exercises and session plans for each. The powerful filtering feature makes it easy to find pre-built sessions for specific conditions with clinical reasoning, or build your own sessions (once accredited by Springys via the Fundamentals Education (link) with the library of over 600 unique exercises (and counting) with adjustable dosages. Prescribe Sessions to your clients, and keep track of their progress with data collected through post-session surveys.

How You Can Use The Springys App in Your Clinic

Independence for you and your clients, with a versatile prescription model suitable for all bodies and clinical conditions.

  • Client Program Management and Feedback Loop
  • Develop New Income Streams and Services,
  • Continuous Professional Development.


It’s all in the name of using exercise medicine, for good.

Client Program Management and Feedback Loop

The app includes set up system configuration, clinical reasoning and instructional videos to help participants execute their prescription effectively.

The Springys online APPlication can be used to hold and manage your client programs in a modern, user friendly interface

Invite your in-person and remote clients to the SPRINGYS APP to prescribe sessions, review progress and make adjustments in real-time,

Track your clients progress via post-session surveys capturing qualitative and quantitative data after each session,

Make use of the pre-loaded sessions with their targeted outcomes, while benefiting from the clinical rationale of Springys team of Exercise Physiologists,

Develop New Income Streams and Services

You can choose to use the Springys Equipment and online Application in a variety of ways to benefit your business,

Install our Clinic Equipment and generate income from 1:1 assessments and exercise sessions, independent sessions, and group sessions to suit,

Access to the online APPlication is very flexible. Choose to bundle the costs within your existing fees, or earn income from managing client subscriptions,

Subscriptions are flexible to suit your needs, they can be purchased and assigned by an organisation, or directly by the individual practitioner,

Your clients can purchase their own Springys Home System to use independently through your practice (also earning extra income for you).

Continuous Professional Development

Continual professional development through access to hundreds (600 and counting!) of Springys exercises,

Continually evolve your exercise prescription repertoire with new exercises and sessions (with clinical reasoning) added every week,

Prescribe the pre-loaded exercises while you explore the online APPlication, they are incredibly targeted and suit a variety of bodies and goals,

Choose to become Springys Accredited and gain the ability to prescribe customised sessions based on your understanding of the prescription model.


How THE Springys APPlication SYSTEM Works

Use the tabs to navigate between and learn about the various interfaces available to Practitioners in the SPRINGYS APPlication SYSTEM.

The Dashboard is the front door to the APP. A real-time counter shows the total number of Exercises and Sessions in the library and lets you know when there’s new content to explore. The Springys Signature Workout Outcomes are introduced and explained here – you can come back anytime if you need a refresher. There’s also an “Anatomy of the Springys System” which you can refer to in order to help your clients understand the equipment configuration instructions on the Exercise Prescription page.

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The Exercise Library contains over 600 (and constantly growing) unique movements possible with the Springys Equipment System.

Every exercise is tagged with

  • Intentions,
  • Intensity,
  • Target Audience (including a drill-down into specific sports & rehab audiences, and
    Workout Outcomes

To help you understand the purpose and possible applications of the movement. The Filters sidebar allows you to filter Exercises that match specific parameters as required for your use-case.

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The Session Library contains over 70 (and constantly growing) pre-made Session Plans which can be prescribed to your clients. The Session Librarycan be filtered by Target Audience (including drill-down into specific Sports and Rehab Conditions), Intensity and Muscle Groups.



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To prescribe a session, click on a session from the Library and then click “Prescribe this session”. You will be presented with a list of linked clients and a date range for your prescription. When you prescribe a Session, your client will see it on their Dashboard & Session List for the duration of the Prescription. Your client will be asked to complete a brief survey after each Session to help you track their progress in real-time.


Please note that only Accredited Springys Practitioners are eligible to prescribe custom sessions.

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The Exercise Prescription page contains information about an individual Exercise within the Springys Library. As well as providing the primary Workout Outcome + clinical reasoning, it highlights the active and stabilising muscles, default dosage information, equipment configuration, professional instructional video and technique tips to help your clients complete the exercise independently, or to help you provide guidance if being completed in a supervised environment.

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Suitable for any professional who prescribes movement

The Springys Prescription System and APPlication System for Practitioners is applicable to a wide range of clinical and non-clinical settings, including but not limited to:

Put THE Springys APPlication SYSTEM to the test


Hear from real Springys Professionals

Belinda G



The Springys APPlication System is an incredible professional development and client management tool for all body and movement specialists. The subscription is billed to the Practitioner or Organisation, and how you choose to charge your clients is completely up to you and may include on-charging, bundling into your monthly membership or including in a special VIP package. We want you to earn more money and free up your time while delivering exercise medicine to your clients and players. 

  • Practitioner access starts from $100/month + GST including 3 client profiles with a minimum term of 12 months,
  • Practitioner access includes access to an initial certification process to get you confident on the Springs APP, and you can develop your skills further with our fundamentals and advanced certification
  • Many of our clients see this as an investment in professional development for their team, and the client management is a huge bonus,
  • There are plenty of options to grow your subscriber base, with options to add more clients to your profile as your business grows. 
  • Licences can be assigned to Participants by a Practitioner and allows your Participants to access the APP library as instructed by you.
  • Participants can be paused if they cease being your client, retaining their account history and allowing you to grant that license to another client.
  • We want to keep your access flexible. When you remove a license it will be added back into your pool and can be assigned to another Participant.


Enquire about the Springys APPlication SYSTEM for Practitioners

Enquire about the Springys Application system for Practitioners.

The Springys Exercise Prescription and accompanying Application System will transform the way you work with your clients and manage your practice.

Please complete the form below for advice and implementation support, and a Springys team member will be in touch shortly.



Due to its extreme versatility and flexibility, it can be hard to see the full range of opportunities at the start of your Springys journey. Springys offers a range of education experiences for Practitioners and Participants, to demonstrate the versatility and capability of the Springys approach to Exercise Prescription for a range of use-cases.


The SPRINGYS EQUIPMENT SYSTEM is an evolution of the Pilates spring wall. It capitalises on space efficiency and spring dynamics, provides increased resistance and unparalleled capabilities to expand the scope of exercise prescription.