Collaborate with Springys

Springys works with ambassadors and collaborators to enhance the Springys Experience

Improving Springys through collaboration

We work with ambassadors and collaborators to expand the reach and application of Springys as a complete system. How we work together, and the incentives that we provide depend on the nature of our work together.


Springys Ambassadors are typically athletes or are otherwise high-profile in their field, who have had a positive experience with Springys and are willing to share Springys insights with their audience.

In return, Springys provides a close & open dialogue, cross-marketing opportunities, discounts and other financial incentives. We invite individuals and organisations to become ambassadors when we believe our missions and values are aligned, and see potential for a common benefit.

If you would like to become a Springys ambassador, please contact us.


Springys Collaborators are at the top of their field and assist with the adaptation of Springys to a particular Target Audience, and/or feature in one or more of the 500+ instructional videos in Springys Online.

In return, Springys provides a close & open dialogue, applies the Springys prescription model to your Target Audience, expands your reach & impact, caters for cross-marketing opportunities and may offer financial incentives.  We invite individuals & organisations to collaborate with us when we believe there is a good fit in mission & purpose, and see potential for a common benefit.

If you would like to become a Springys collaborator, please contact us.

The Springys Ecosystem


The SPRINGYS PRESCRIPTION SYSTEM is an evidence-based approach to prescribing movement with a specific outcome in mind, monitoring results and making adjustments over time. 

The SPRINGYS APPlication SYSTEM contains a large exercise library where prescriptions are objectified to a criterion facilitating a self guided or practitioner-driven Springys experience.


The SPRINGYS EQUIPMENT SYSTEM is an evolution of the Pilates spring wall. It capitalises on space efficiency and spring dynamics, provides increased resistance and unparalleled capabilities to expand the scope of exercise prescription.


Due to its extreme versatility and flexibility, it can be hard to see the full range of opportunities at the start of your Springys journey. Springys offers a range of education experiences for Practitioners and Participants, to demonstrate the versatility and capability of the Springys approach to Exercise Prescription for a range of use-cases.